Friday 3 November 2017

Theme : Asterix

Asterix, Obelix.... these are the two famous icons from the cartoon series called Asterix. The adventures of the two Gauls were written by René Goscinny and illustrated by Albert Uderzo, and has kept the world at splits for decades.

As a young reader, I was introduced to these series (along with Tintin) by my childhood friend, Anirudh, who had a good collection of these comics. Reading these books always made me laugh and in 2001, when I was diagnosed and treated for Malaria, these helped me while away the time in the hospital and also recuperating too.

When I first started Postcrossing in 2015, one of the first few cards that I received had one of these stamps affixed. I was immediately attracted towards it and a google search revealed that there are indeed a few stamps on both Asterix and Tintin series. A few days later I received this entire minisheet on an envelope!! I was super thrilled to receive this set on an envelope, but I guess I wanted more of it and thanks to my friend, Som, he had this one available with him and he sold it to me!

The below stamps from Germany are fabulous and they focus on the three main characters - Asterix, Obelix and Dogmatix.

After posting this blog, I did a little bit of digging as I came across this cute MS of Asterix being sold on ebay for less than €1.00 (was 0.99c actually, thought it was a steal!) and decided to buy this one as I realised that I need to slowly build up my collection now.

I do know for a certain that France, Guernsey, Belgium have also issued stamps on Asterix. Looking to either buy them or swap them for anything. So if you do happen to see them or have them, let me know and I shall be willing to buy or swap.

(Updated on 18-Nov-2017)

1055 IST

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